June's Journey: Hidden Objects
Volume 1, Chapter 1, Scene 2 - Estate Parlor (revised)
(1st clue) family portrait /
(2nd clue, not shown) loose photo /
bejeweled bracelet /
bell /
binoculars /
birdcage /
book /
butterfly /
cake /
camera /
candle holder /
clock /
clover /
coat rack /
cross /
crown /
cufflinks /
doves /
feather boa /
feather duster /
fire /
fireplace bellows /
flag /
football /
glove /
golf clubs /
gramophone /
grapes /
hand fan /
hand mirror /
handbag /
handprint /
horse statuette /
lace cloth /
leaf /
letter M /
lighter /
lion /
locket /
lyre /
mask /
number eight ("8") /
orange /
ornate box /
pearls /
phone /
pinecone /
porcelain doll /
ribbon /
riding crop /
roller skate /
rose petals /
sheet music /
ship painting /
shoes /
slipper /
sock /
stain /
stained glass /
star /
string of lights /
suitcase /
sunflower /
swan /
tassels /
teapot /
teddy bear /
telescope /
tobacco pipe /
tree branch /
trophy /
umbrella /
vines /
violin /
wall lamp /
wind chime /
wreath /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 2. Estate Parlor (revised 2025)
Volume 8, Chapter 46, Scene 1954 - Foyer
(1st clue) flower arrangement /
(2nd clue) telephone /
bangle /
bell /
brush /
butterfly brooch /
candelabrum /
cane /
certificate /
cigar /
cigar cutter /
clock /
coat /
coat rack /
coins /
crown /
crumpled paper /
cufflinks /
cushion /
envelope /
farmstead painting /
feather duster /
figurine /
fire alarm /
fire extinguisher /
fire hydrant /
flock of birds /
glasses /
gloves /
gold leaf /
Greek ornament /
hand fan /
handbag /
handkerchief /
hat /
helical column /
hourglass /
inkwell /
instrument bow /
lacing /
lamppost /
laurel wreath /
letter X /
lighthouse /
lipstick /
luggage /
magnifying glass /
matches /
necktie /
newspaper /
note /
number one /
oil lamp /
package /
paper bag /
paper clips /
peacock feather /
pearls /
pen /
plaque /
pouch /
radio /
ruler /
scarf /
scissors /
seashells /
spilled ink /
stained glass /
stars /
sun /
switch /
thermometer /
trowel /
umbrella /
violin /
wallet /
watering can /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1954. Foyer
Volume 8, Chapter 34, Scene 1894-Gwydion's Bathroom
(1st clue) fingerprinting set /
(2nd clue) microscope /
aftershave /
amethyst /
bandage /
basket /
bath oil /
bathrobe /
bell /
book /
branch /
bubble bath /
butterfly /
calendar /
candle /
cane /
cat /
circular box /
comb /
cufflinks /
curtain /
doily /
dolphin /
drinking glass /
dry leaf /
electrical outlet /
embroidery /
feather duster /
first aid kit /
flyswatter /
fringe /
Greek ornament /
hair dryer /
handkerchief /
heart /
hourglass /
house /
ink splash /
key /
keyhole /
light switch /
lighter /
mirror /
mop /
nail clippers /
newspaper /
note /
oranges /
pill bottle /
pouch /
puddle /
radiator /
razor /
ribbon /
roses /
rug /
running water /
scissors /
seashells /
shaving brush /
slippers /
snowy landscape /
soap /
socks /
sponge /
spray bottle /
steam /
suitcase /
suspenders /
swan /
thermometer /
tissue box /
tobacco pipe /
toilet brush /
toothbrush /
vent /
watch /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1894. Gwydion's Bathroom
Volume 8, Chapter 18, Scene 1814 - Lodgings
(1st clue) vault sketches /
(2nd clue) photograph /
apples /
bag /
bee /
belt /
binoculars /
bow /
brush /
butterfly /
calendar /
cane /
chess piece /
cigarette case /
coat rack /
coffee cup /
coins /
comb /
cookies /
cows /
crumpled paper
cufflinks /
curtain /
dragon /
fan /
film reel /
fish bowl /
flock of birds /
flowers /
flyswatter /
folder /
glasses /
glove /
handkerchief /
handprint /
hat /
heart /
inkwell /
key /
kite /
knife /
lacing /
map /
matches /
metronome /
necktie /
newspaper /
note /
number one /
open sandwiches /
passport /
peacock feathers /
pen /
pennants /
pitcher /
pocket /
postmark /
ruler /
safe /
scarf /
scissors /
shirt /
slippers /
spiral /
spoon /
stain /
tag /
tassel /
thermometer /
tobacco pipe /
tray /
umbrella /
vinyl /
watering can /
wine bottle /
wine glass /
wreath /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1814. Lodgings
Volume 1, Chapter 1, Scene 2 - Estate Parlor
(1st Clue) Family Portrait
(2nd Clue) Loose Photo
Brandy Glass
Coat Rack
Feather Duster
Fire Screen
Fireplace Bellows
Golf Clubs
Hair Comb
Horse Rider
Infinity Symbol
Letter M
Number Two ("2")
Porcelain Doll
Riding Crop
Roller Skates
Rose Petals
Sheet Music
Wall Lamp
Wind Chimes
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 2. Estate Parlor (original)
Volume 8, Chapter 4, Scene 1743 - Courthouse Break Room
(1st Clue) Folders /
(2nd Clue, Not Shown) David /
Bell /
Belt /
Bow /
Brush /
Bust /
Buttons /
Calendar /
Camera /
Cane /
Cardboard Box /
Certificate /
Chessboard /
Cinnamon Bun /
Clipboard /
Clock /
Coins /
Cufflinks /
Cushion /
Doily /
Dragon /
Drawers /
Envelope /
Fan /
Flock Of Birds /
Glasses /
Globe /
Glove /
Hat /
Hip Flask /
Hole Punch /
Inkwell /
Jacket /
Key /
Lighter /
Magnifying Glass /
Necktie /
Needle /
Newspaper /
Ottoman /
Passport /
Patch /
Pen /
Pencil /
Pencil Sharpener /
Pendant /
Photograph /
Pinecone /
Plaque /
Plug /
Potted Plant /
Pouch /
Radio /
Rosette /
Rubber Stamp /
Ruler /
Safe /
Safety Pin /
Sandwich /
Scales /
Scarf /
Scissors /
Seashell /
Ship /
Shoes /
Spoon /
Stain /
Stained Glass /
Sugar Bowl /
Tassels /
Telephone /
Thermometer /
Ticket /
Tobacco Pipe /
Umbrella /
Wallet /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1743. Courthouse Break Room
Volume 7, Chapter 42, Scene 1681 - Master Bedroom
(1st Clue) Breakfast Tray /
(2nd Clue) Model Plane /
Bag /
Bathrobe /
Beads /
Belt /
Book /
Bookmark /
Bow /
Brush /
Calendar /
Candelabrum /
Chess Piece /
Cigarette Holder /
Coat Hook /
Coat Rack /
Cracks /
Cufflinks /
Cushion /
Decanter /
Dove /
Electrical Outlet /
Envelope /
Feather Duster /
Flyswatter /
Glasses /
Glove /
Grapefruit /
Grapes /
Hand Fan /
Handkerchief /
Hanging Plant /
Hat /
Heart /
Key /
Keyhole /
Lacing /
Lion /
Lipstick /
Measuring Tape /
Mirror /
Moon /
Moth /
Nameplate /
Necktie /
Newspaper /
Package /
Peacock Feather /
Pen /
Pendant /
Perfume /
Pinecone /
Plug /
Pouch /
Radio /
River /
Safety Pin /
Scarf /
Scissors /
Seashell /
Shoes /
Sleep Mask /
Smoke (Steam) /
Sock /
Spoons /
Stain /
Stained Glass /
Stars /
Statuette /
String /
Thermometer /
Ticket /
Trash Can /
Umbrella /
Vent /
Wallet /
Watch /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1681. Master Bedroom
Volume 7, Chapter 38, Scene 1663 - Santa Monica Office
(1st Clue) Paperweight /
(2nd Clue) Newspaper /
Ashtray /
Ball /
Ballerina /
Bookshelf /
Bulletin Board /
Calendar /
Camera /
Camera Plates /
Candle /
Canteen /
Card Holder /
Chessboard /
Cigar Box /
Cigar Cutter /
Cloud /
Coat /
Coat Rack /
Coffee Pot /
Comb /
Cufflinks /
Cup /
Curtain /
Diploma /
Doorknob /
Drawer /
Fireplace Tools /
Firewood /
Folder /
Fruit /
Gift /
Glasses /
Globe /
Golf Clubs /
Gramophone /
Gull /
Hat /
Hole Punch /
Ink Blotter /
Inkwell /
Jewelry Box /
Keys /
Laurel /
Letter C /
Lion /
Magazine Rack /
Mask /
Metal Ornament /
Microphone /
Nameplate /
Necktie /
Notebook /
Notes /
Pen /
Pencil Sharpener /
Perfume (Cologne) /
Pillow /
Postage Stamps /
Potted Plant /
Roses /
Ruler /
Safe /
Sailboat /
Scissors /
Scrolls /
Shoes /
Suitcase /
Tapestry /
Telephone /
Thermometer /
Tiger Leg /
Trophy /
Typewriter /
Umbrella /
Wallet /
Woman /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1663. Santa Monica Office
Volume 7, Chapter 32, Scene 1635 - Central Hotel Room
(1st Clue, Not Shown) Luis's Glasses /
(2nd Clue) Photo Of Minnie /
Apple /
Ashtray /
Backpack /
Bell /
Belt /
Binoculars /
Bird /
Book /
Bowtie /
Brush /
Butterfly /
Calendar /
Camera /
Car /
Cigar /
Clock /
Comb /
Cross /
Crown /
Cufflinks /
Cup /
Doily /
Drinking Glass /
Electric Cable /
Electrical Outlet /
Feather Duster /
Flowers /
Fringe /
Glasses Case /
Gloves /
Grapes /
Greek Ornament /
Guitar Case /
Handkerchief /
Hanger /
Hat /
Hip Flask /
Jewelry Box /
Jug /
Key /
Locket /
Lotion /
Map /
Newspaper /
Note /
Number 5381 /
Pants /
Passport /
Pen /
Portrait /
Pouch /
Racket /
Razor /
Records /
Sandwich /
Scarf /
Seashell /
Sheet Music /
Sleep Mask /
Slippers /
Sock /
Stain /
Suitcase /
Sun /
Telephone /
Thermometer /
Ticket /
Tissues /
Torn Wallpaper /
Towel /
Tray /
Tripod /
Umbrella /
Vent /
Wallet /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1635. Central Hotel Room
Volume 7, Chapter 20, Scene 1575 - Sandra's Office
(1st Clue) Whiskey /
(2nd Clue) Car Key /
Apple /
Ashtray /
Boa /
Bookmark /
Broom /
Brush /
Bust /
Butterfly /
Buttons /
Camera /
Candle /
Candy /
Cat /
Clock /
Coin Purse /
Compact Mirror /
Cufflinks /
Cushion /
Daisy /
Dustpan /
Electrical Outlet /
Elephant /
Feather /
Feather Duster /
Glasses /
Glasses Case /
Gloves /
Grapes /
Guitar Case /
Hand Fan /
Handkerchief /
Hat /
Heart /
Hole /
Hourglass /
Jewelry Box /
Keyhole /
Letter D /
Letter X /
Lion /
Lipstick /
Locket /
Magnifying Glass /
Marble Solitaire /
Marbles /
Matches /
Moon /
Mouse /
Needle /
Newspaper /
Note /
Paint Stroke /
Patch /
Pearls /
Pen /
Photograph /
Playing Cards /
Ring /
Ruler /
Salmonds /
Satchel /
Scarf /
Scissors /
Shoe /
Spool /
Spoon /
Teacup /
Ticket /
Tobacco Pipe /
Tongs /
Trash Can /
Umbrella /
Wind Rose /
Wine Bottle /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1575. Sandra's Office