Terry R
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Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - Social...
Casual Active Team - Social
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Hey all , any idea...
Make sure to open the new Memoirs before playing scenes. It took me more than 40 plays to get my first brown packet.
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - Social...
Casual Active Team - Social
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - Social...
Casual Active Team - Social
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - Relaxed...
Casual Active Team - Relaxed
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Don ' t miss this...
Don ' t miss this
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - We...
Casual Active Team - We
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - Relaxed...
Casual Active Team - Relaxed
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - Relaxed...
Casual Active Team - Relaxed
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Don ' t miss this...
Don ' t miss this
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: SPOT THE DIFFERENCE 19 -...
@Paul Frenay. I am on iPad also, not Magic Eye (ME), and I am sure that any ME player would far surpass myself. In this particular event, I was able to get just past half-way into scene 4. (sometimes, I will touch into scene 5 in similar 30min STD events). I really do not understand the delays you are encountering transitioning from round to round. At most mine are taking 1-2 seconds loading new rounds or new scenes, even when accruing league points. You are either very limited by your internet connection or you are very patient and letting the game scroll through all the info between rounds (time bonus, hint bonus, etc). Be impatient! Between rounds, there is a "Tap To Skip" at the bottom center of the screen. "Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap..." on the screen to transition between rounds much faster. Hopes this helps.
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Casual Active Team - Relaxed...
Casual Active Team - Relaxed
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Why would there be a...
Unsure, I have the same gold (yellow) circle with two overlapping white rectangles (phones?) next to my user ID.
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Does anyone know how testers...
I believe selection is “random” as Wooga likes to sample a varied audience with an eye toward what brings in the most revenue. You can ask to be selected/deselected, but your request will be ignored.
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: I need help finding sweep...
I use the method described by Anonymous - play the first scene of each STB segment, then search for the scene using the object names. If you are on Facebook, here is a site dedicated to helping players find their scenes. You submit a screen capture and they tell you the scene#. https://www.facebook.com/groups/junesjourneysweeptheboardandhelpforscenes
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Is anyone experiencing problems when...
If your players are going through a browser, some are reporting success running JJ app through Microsoft Edge versus Chrome or Firefox.
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Is anyone experiencing problems when...
You are not alone. Numerous similar complaints on several JJ Facebook sites. Paraphrasing the comments: "Game crashing when entering CM." "Wooga support "unhelpful" "
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Help please
The eagle on the rightmost bookshelf
Terry R commented on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Any idea what the next...
Marvelous Matrimony - a mix of new and old wedding decorations.
Terry R wrote a post June's Journey: Hidden Objects: New Island is getting closer...
New Island is getting closer