I was a really high lvl all my stats 10000 and lots of great friends! Until my game crashed... I downloaded it again and I still keep crashing. PLEASE I need some advice! This is terrible! :( T_T :,(
Comment found on Wolf Online: How to stop crashing
the mod for invincibility/immortality,...may i ask how to transfer from a computer to a phone..
i have an Lg phoenix 3..just so u know..
im not using it to kill people, gave that up years ago, havent played the game in awhile, years to be more exact and im back to using it, but due to low lvl everyone keeps killing me, its not points that i would like to have, i just dont wish to have to deal with people who keep killing me over and over..
my name on the game is:
Comment found on Wolf Online: who wants to know how...
You have to play till your at lvl 3 then it will show up or create one.
Comment found on Wolf Online: How do I find player_grade...
No, you can only hack them back to lvl 1.
Comment found on Wolf Online: Hey . does anyone know...
You lvl up (by killing things and eating).
Comment found on Wolf Online: How do I change the...
If you ever kill a pks hacker don't lvl to much cuz u will go to HH and I made that mistake 3 times already!
Comment found on Wolf Online: How do you get out of Hacker Hell
You can to be hacked I've been hacked up lvl and down so your wrong and yes u can go to hacker hell if you put your stats above 1,300
Comment found on Wolf Online: Japow the wolf man pls...
I'm assuming you mean a Gem Rank
After becoming a Golden Star, a Red Gem will appear above your wolf. By this time you'd be a lvl 15. To become a Gem, the fastest way to level up is sticking to the Combat Field. Crowns literally hand feed you with a giant line of beasts and infinitive exp. You'll be a "Diamond" in no time
Comment found on Wolf Online: How to get a diamond
How do i get out of hacker hell and back to lvl 75
Comment found on Wolf Online: How do you get out of Hacker Hell