
Survival Simulator by Wladyslaw Jewloszewicz

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App Details
  • Price: Free
  • Genre(s): Games, Simulation, Adventure
  • Version: 0.2.2
  • Release Date: June 12, 2017
  • Description:

    Survival Simulator puts you in the forest full of weird animals and players - mostly hostile and ruthless.
    Exploit environment, place a camp, gather resources for crafting, defend yourself, improve your weapons and tools.
    Could you survive in the place where everybody wants you to die? High time to check it out!

    Key features:
    - Multiplayer. Create your own server or join another one. Make everything on your own or build a like-minded team. It is up to you to decide. Since the goal is to survive. Whatever the way.
    - Realistic graphics. Feel the pure survival game. Be ready to face many challenges. Plus the other players you will encounter will make it really difficult.
    - Variety of tools and weapons.
    - Gathering resources (logs, stone, ore)
    - Hunting animals
    - Building and crafting systems.

  • Last Updated:
  • Release Notes:

    - Fixed respawn in sleeping bags
    - Widened the torch light radius
    - Ladder can be destroyed now
    - Fixed some bugs