
ABC My First Words Workbook by Moojoy srl

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App Details
  • Price: Free
  • Genre(s): Games, Word, Family, Education
  • Version: 3.12
  • Release Date: June 14, 2014
  • Description:

    Learning to write has never been more fun! ABC Alphabet Workbook is a fun and educational game to help little ones learn their ABC in to time at all.
    ABC Alphabet Workbook is an universal app for iPad/iPhone/iPod that teaches kids about letters, how letters relate to sounds, and even how to spell words.

    ABC Alphabet Workbook is a fun games and include activities to help your little kids tracing letters from A to Z and recognize both uppercase and lowercase letters.
    Dotted lines and arrows guide kids through the letter tracing process and a multisensory approach teaches children to write uppercase and lowercase letters.

    It is a hand-on memorable learning experience for kids, toddlers and preschoolers, every letter is a unique, interactive toy!

    There are four different games for every stage of learning.
    - Lessons: learn how to correctly identify pictures and letters by sound and how to tracing letters with hints
    - Practices: Learn to write letters independently

    - makes learning letters fun simple and easy
    - 4 different games and lessons
    - learn the english alphabet letters
    - uppercase and lowercase letters
    - learn and practice
    - learn to pronounce each alphabet letters
    - designed for toddlers
    - colorful images
    - beautiful scenes
    - amazing English voice-over
    - Phonic Sounds

    Have fun!

    For more games, visit us at www.moojoygames.com
    FIND US on FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/moojoygames
    FOLLOW US on TWITTER: @moojoygames

  • Last Updated:
  • Release Notes:

    - Ready for iOS 13
    - Bug Fixes