
Mahjong King by MOBIRIX

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App Details
  • Price: Free
  • Genre(s): Games, Puzzle, Board
  • Version: 1.2.4
  • Release Date: April 21, 2015
  • Description:

    Comfortable game play mahjong tile game to remove the same picture with no time limit.

    - Difficulty is classified as easy, normal, hard, you can choose according to your skills.
    - Added into five another Mahjong tile picture type is available.
    - You can match with another player in the world.
    - Add map will be unlocked when you won multiplayer.
    - Hints and shuffle items can be used indefinitely.
    - Supports Achievements and Leaderboards.
    - Supports tablet devices.
    - fun game, free game, no wifi, no internet


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  • Last Updated:
  • Release Notes:

    Additional maps provided.